Top 20 Dog Nail Clipper Brands in 2024

The most popular brands for Dog Nail Clipper Includes Ancol, Doggie Couture, Mikki, Rosewood, Trixie, Pets, Resco, American Classic, Andis, Wahl among many others.



Popular Brand

Since 1971, Ancol has manufactured high-quality collars and accessories for all the lovely pets worldwide. They specialize in making collars and leads for general household animals like dogs and other small animals like rabbits. They primarily use leather to make their products and guarantee durability and comfort. The brand also makes a variety of grooming and play items available at affordable prices on its website. Their products are loved and trusted by many pet owners.


Doggie Couture

Popular Brand


Popular Brand

Mikki began producing in the United Kingdom in 1980. Clean & fresh, healthcare, playing devices, sleeping kits, and training videos are some of their offerings. Later, they began with grooming items and quickly expanded into the global market. They feel that superior product sizes do not fit all dogs. Thus they have tailored their creative lines to meet the demands of a diverse variety of breed shapes and sizes. They currently export pet-friendly toys and health care products all over the world.



Best Brand

Rosewood is where you can find all the good and great products for your little ones. We are talking about pets and not children! The store has treats and goodies for felines, canines, and avian pets. You can also get the essentials and accessories to help care for your little one. It takes a lot of good products to make your pet healthy and happy. We know you share a special bond and acknowledge that relationship with our products.



Best Brand

Trixie understands the importance a pet has in your life and strives to provide products that allow them to lead their best lives. From snacks to sleeping accessories, be it for cats or parrots, Trixie produces high-quality products that keep your pet’s preferences in mind. It stays up-to-date with modern trends to ensure its products are packed with innovation. Moreover, its products are highly economical, allowing you to make your purchase without inhibition.



Best Brand

Finding trustworthy veterinary advice online can be difficult. Spruce Pets provides well-researched, fact-checked information by Registered Vet Technicians (RVTs) and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVMs), further validated by a Veterinary Review Board comprised of top board-certified vet professionals. They give accurate information on the diet, care, and maintenance of pets and pet houses. Spruce Pets is a part of the Spruce brand, one of the largest lifestyle properties online.



Best Brand

Resco is a pet grooming product and handling aids manufacturer in the United States, manufacturing and selling hundreds of groomer-standard products at reasonable prices. The brand has everything from nail clippers to training collars. Their tools are of the highest quality and are even used by veterinarians. They use the best materials and designs in their products, and they are readily available in stores and even online at reasonable prices.


American Classic

Best Brand

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Dog Nail Clippers Buying Guide

Trimming your dog's nails is an important part of their grooming routine. Dogs who walk on hard surfaces regularly may wear their nails naturally, but most dogs require occasional grooming to keep their nails the right length.

When it comes to trimming your dog's nails, it's essential to have the right tools. Dog nail clippers come in many varieties, so it's crucial to understand the different types and how to use them properly. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about buying dog nail clippers.

Types of Dog Nail Clippers

There are several different types of dog nail clippers available on the market:

  • Guillotine Clippers: These clippers work by sliding a small hole over the end of the dog's nail and then pressing the handles together, which causes a blade to slice through the nail. Guillotine clippers work best on small dogs with thin nails.
  • Scissor Clippers: Scissor clippers are similar to guillotine clippers, but they have a curved blade. This design makes them useful for cutting thicker nails, and they work well on larger dogs.
  • Grinder Clippers: Grinder clippers use a rotating head to grind down the dog's nails slowly. They work well for dogs who are afraid of clippers or for those with thick nails.

When deciding which type of clipper to use, consider your dog's size and nail thickness. Smaller dogs with thin nails may do well with guillotine clippers, while larger dogs or those with thicker nails may require scissor clippers or grinders.

Features to Look For

When shopping for dog nail clippers, there are several features to keep in mind:

  • Safety: Look for clippers with safety features such as a guard or a quick-stop feature. These can help prevent injury to your dog.
  • Comfort: Look for clippers with comfortable handles that are easy to grip and have a non-slip coating. This can help prevent hand fatigue and ensure precise cuts.
  • Quality: High-quality clippers can last for years and provide clean, precise cuts. Look for clippers made from durable materials such as stainless steel.
  • Price: Dog nail clippers can range in price from a few dollars to over $50. While you don't necessarily need to spend a lot of money on clippers, investing in a high-quality pair can save you money in the long run and ensure your dog's safety.

How to Use Dog Nail Clippers

Using dog nail clippers can be intimidating, but with a little bit of practice, you can easily learn how to trim your dog's nails at home. Here are step-by-step instructions for using guillotine and scissor clippers:

Guillotine Clippers

  • Clear the area: Choose a calm, well-lit area where your dog can relax. Sit comfortably, and make sure your dog is relaxed and comfortable.
  • Get the right grip: With your thumb on the bottom of the clipper and your index finger on top, place your dog's nail through the hole of the clipper.
  • Cut at the right angle: Cut your dog's nail at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Be careful not to cut too close to the quick, which is the sensitive, pink part of the nail that contains blood vessels and nerves. If you accidentally cut the quick, use a styptic powder or cornstarch to stop bleeding.
  • Repeat: Continue until all of your dog's nails are trimmed to the desired length.

Scissor Clippers

  • Clear the area: Choose a calm, well-lit area where your dog can relax. Sit comfortably, and make sure your dog is relaxed and comfortable.
  • Get the right grip: Hold the scissors in your dominant hand and use your other hand to hold your dog's paw. Cut a small amount of the nail at a time to avoid cutting the quick.
  • Cut at the right angle: Cut your dog's nail at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Be careful not to cut too close to the quick.
  • Repeat: Continue until all of your dog's nails are trimmed to the desired length.

While clipping your dog's nails, it's essential to be patient and calm. If your dog becomes anxious or agitated, take a break and try again later. Always reward your dog with praise and treats after every session to make it a positive experience.


Trimming your dog's nails is an essential part of their grooming routine, and having the right tools can make the process easier and safer. When shopping for dog nail clippers, consider your dog's size and nail thickness, as well as safety, comfort, quality, and price. With a little bit of practice, you can learn how to use dog nail clippers properly and trim your dog's nails at home.

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