
Edan is taking medical diagnostics to the next level by building a new model of quality equipment. Professional and well-equipped, they create innovative products that help solve some of the most critical health problems today. They have a vision for a world where premium-quality healthcare is available at an affordable price - a reality they are bringing closer every day. Their main product line includes state-of-the-art diagnostic machines like electrocardiograph machines, blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, thermometers, sphygmomanometers, and stethoscopes.

Top Edan Alternatives and Similar Brands

The most popular brands similar to Edan Includes Welch Allyn, CONTEC, Denshine, Riester, Criticare, Midmark, Nihon Kohden, Spacelabs, GCX among many others.


Welch Allyn

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Sometimes it becomes a necessity for us to get used to these technologies that can be a life savior at...



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CONTEC healthcare provides cleanroom and aseptic solutions to Life Sciences and Diagnostic enterprises for pharmaceutical/biotechnology manufacture, packaging, and sterilization. Cleaning...



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Oral care is as crucial as physical and mental care because of the teeth that a human survives. To take...



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Riester provides a wide selection of premium diagnostic tools for medical students. By providing high-quality products that meet the strictest...



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Criticare is a medical equipment manufacturer, importer, and distributor. With the emergence of new technologies, they have been at the...



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When walking into a hospital, dental, or vet’s clinic, the services are on point. Chances are Midmark has designed it....


Nihon Kohden

Best Brand

Nihon Kohden is a Japanese healthcare solutions company with expertise in designing and producing monitoring systems, patient care equipment, and...



Best Brand

Spacelabs Healthcare is a leading provider of diagnostic and therapeutic radiology products, services, and solutions to hospitals and health systems....



Global Clinical Exchange (GCX) is a healthcare technology company specializing in developing and marketing valuable solutions for real-time ambulatory patient...

Frequently Asked Questions

Which are few sites similar to edanusa.com?

Different webpages identical to edanusa.com to shop Vital Signs products are contechealthcare.com, gelighting.com, criticare.com, riester.de and spacelabshealthcare.com

Where is Edan from? How big the brand is?

The Edan is San Diego, CA, United States based firm started in 2007. The 15 old Medical Device company having nearly 10 to 51 staff today working with them.

What are some similar companies like "Edan"?

Some good alternative brands to "Edan" are "CONTEC, Riester, Criticare, Midmark and GCX in not any particular order.

Are CONTEC and Spacelabs alternative to companies like "Edan"?

Definitely! Edan is related to CONTEC and Spacelabs. They are known Vital Signs brands.