Formosa Covers

You need the best of covers for every obstacle you face in covering your essential items. With Formosa covers, you can avail all types of surfaces, from cars to patio furniture, and drape everything with the top quality overs that are waterproof, durable, made with the finest of materials, and assure maximum security and preservation of your items. Established in 1933, Formosa covers have been in servitude of many customers like you for 89 years and aim to continue.

Top Formosa Covers Alternatives and Similar Brands

The most popular brands similar to Formosa Covers Includes Classic Accessories, ClosetMaid, Bosmere, Whitmor, Honey-Can-Do, Awnic, Woodside, Elfa, Danya B., Trion among many others.


Classic Accessories

Popular Brand

Classic Accessories is a market leader in producing premium covers, furniture, and accessories. They are dedicated to developing items that...



Popular Brand

ClosetMaid offers simple access and storage options for every area in the house, including drawer systems and closets. With their...



Popular Brand

For over 25 years, Bosmere has provided fine British garden products to its customers. It provides finely crafted tools and...



Best Brand

Whitmor is a recognized brand that provides beautiful storage solutions for every moment and area in the house. It includes...



Best Brand

Honey-Can-Do is a company that presents you with simple household solutions. It would turn out to be great and awesome...



Best Brand

AWNIC protective covers for your patio furniture, easy protection, no maintenance required.



Best Brand

Woodside is a company that strategizes with the main goal of delivering the highest-quality products on the market for gardening...



Best Brand

Founded in 1948, Elfa produces storage systems catering to people’s quirks and needs. Their portfolio includes customizable sliding doors and...


Danya B.

Danya B. is dedicated to providing you with the best home décor, from sleek and stylish sofas to trendy tables...



Headquartered in the south-eastern region of America, Trion is a company that has been offering exceptional Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)...


Seville Classics

Seville Classics is the world's leading designer, manufacturer, and marketer of home organization systems. With a passion for design, they...


Baxton Studio

Well-designed interiors augment the beauty of a house. Baxton Studio is a Chicago-based brand that specializes in products in this...


Oxford Garden

In need of upgrading your outdoor furniture that doesn't chew off your budget too much? Oxford Garden has just what...


Fire Sense

Everyone wants to prepare the food in the garden once a week. It requires many instruments. Fire Sense is a...



Budge does more than protect your car from the weather. Budge's committed staff is continually inventing and upgrading their products...

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Classic Accessories and Seville Classics related to companies like "Formosa Covers"?

Generally yes! Formosa Covers is identical to Classic Accessories and Seville Classics. They are known Patio Screen brands.

For What Reason is 'Formosa Covers' more popular compared to similar brands like Whitmor, Elfa and Danya B.?

Because 'Formosa Covers' is the most inquisitive company on the Internet out of all of the mentioned brands. Further, it is covered among nearly 10 similar topics such as Patio Screen, Garment Racks and Gas Grill Covers here on our website.

What are several related companies like "Formosa Covers"?

Some major related brands to "Formosa Covers" are "ClosetMaid, Woodside, Elfa, Seville Classics and Evelots in random order.

What is the average price for ordering "Formosa Covers" brand products?

"Formosa Covers" is listed in "Patio Screen", which has median pricing of $54, with $6 to $254 price range. Correspondingly the brand is also published in "Garment Racks", which has mean costing of $47, with $13 to $145 price range.

Out of "Formosa Covers", "Awnic" and "Danya B." Which one is the most admired "Grill Covers" brand?

Formosa Covers is the most sought after within mentioned companies generally due to its overall search popularity online. The brand is also listed on nearly 10 different brand topics here on Brandlists.

Where is Formosa Covers from? How strong the company is?

The Formosa Covers is Irvine, California, United States based firm established in 1993. The 29 old Consumer Goods company having about 2 to 10 employees today working for them.