Hitachi Magic Wand

Originating in 1968, two things that have been present in the product line of Hitachi Magic Wand are high-quality output and innovation. The company has altered the functions, integrated new features, and introduced more lines of personal massagers to address the buyers' evolving requirements and reflect the technological advancement in machine products. The management process remains the same; the personal massagers come with attractive and effective elements, including multi-functionality with cordless handling and rechargeable sections.

Top Hitachi Magic Wand Alternatives and Similar Brands

The most popular brands similar to Hitachi Magic Wand Includes Zeus Electrosex, Wand Essentials, Bodywand, Vibratex, iRest, Magic Wand, Health Touch, Theraflow, Theragun, Tim Tam among many others.


Zeus Electrosex

Popular Brand

Wand Essentials

Popular Brand


Popular Brand

Body wand has been in demand among the youth for a long time due to their sleek design and comfortable...



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Vibratex has a long history of producing one-of-a-kind sex toys. With over 30 years of experience, these items are created...



Best Brand

Health and wellness are essential for our body, and it is often neglected in this modern world where everyone is...


Magic Wand

Best Brand

Having pleased its customers since 1968, Magic Wand continues to do the same with updated products developed using the latest...


Health Touch

Best Brand

Stress can have long-term detrimental impacts. Therefore, taking a break from the everyday hustle-bustle and allowing your body and mind...



Best Brand

Whenever you need a massage to unwind, you need to step out of your house or call a professional. TheraFlow...



Theragun is a brand under Therabody. They provide products to massage and relax your muscles. Their products are easy to...


Tim Tam

Most bodybuilders and gym goers neglect the importance of recovery for muscle growth. Tim Tam is a brand that provides...



Through a superior, innovative, and one-of-a-kind collection of personal wellness products, HoMedics products are meant to help you relax your...



Get the pleasure you have always desired from Doxy massager. The company has launched the one and only hydrographic dipped...



Carepeutic is an online portal that provides customers with high-standard fitness products, massage appliances, and foot spa machines. With a...



Belmint is a well-known firm that sells a variety of massagers, including body massagers, back massagers, foot massagers, and neck...



Leg cramps and soreness might make it difficult to go about your daily routines. Night cramps can also influence sleep...

Frequently Asked Questions

Is "Hitachi Magic Wand" an admired "Massager Wand" company?

Hitachi Magic Wand is listed as a well known Massager Wand brand on Brandlists. It is estimated that 110K buyers find about the company on search engines every month.

What are some identical brands like "Hitachi Magic Wand"?

Some top similar brands to "Hitachi Magic Wand" are "Magic Wand, Belmint, Tim Tam, HoMedics and Hyperice in random order.

Are Theragun and Carepeutic related to companies like "Hitachi Magic Wand"?

Yes! Hitachi Magic Wand is identical to Theragun and Carepeutic. All are popular Magic Wand Massager brands.

What is the mean cost for purchasing "Hitachi Magic Wand" brand products?

"Hitachi Magic Wand" is published in "Magic Wand Massager", which has average pricing of $36, with $12 to $109 price range. Correspondingly the brand is also categorized in "Electric Face Massager", which has mean costing of $36, with $9 to $169 price range.