
Very few things can beat the joy of camping with family or friends around a bonfire at night. Kamp-Rite understands this and ensures nothing comes as a hindrance between you and your fun time. The company was founded in 1999 to provide innovative camping solutions based on customer needs. They are a leading company in the field of off-ground camping gear offering high-quality products ready to battle all sorts of outdoor challenges.

Top Kamp-Rite Alternatives and Similar Brands

The most popular brands similar to Kamp-Rite Includes ALPS Mountaineering, GCI Outdoor, Browning Camping, TravelChair, KingCamp, Kelsyus, Crazy Creek, Kijaro, Walkstool, Porch among many others.


ALPS Mountaineering

Popular Brand

For all the thrill-seekers, adventurers, peace finders, or hobbyists who find what they desire at the peak of a mountain,...


GCI Outdoor

Popular Brand

A barbeque night, a poolside party, an adventurous camping trip, or a quaint day at the beach, whatever may be...


Browning Camping

Popular Brand

Designer Dennis Brune and his wife had a passion for the outdoors and related activities they wanted the rest of...



Best Brand

TravelChair manufactures outdoor camping gadgets and designs travel chairs made of nylon, from the netting that binds the rear seats...



Best Brand

KingCamp is a company that was founded in 1992, and deals with manufacturing and selling camping equipment. The company is...



Best Brand

Kelsyus is a manufacturer of high-quality and innovative water floats and canopy chairs that are guaranteed to complement your active...


Crazy Creek

Best Brand

Peacefully getting a proper place to sit is underrated, especially after a long, challenging trail. Crazy Creek is one of...



Best Brand

Kijaro sells portable camping chairs and other equipment on their website. They provide dual-lock folding chairs with carrying straps in...



While walking long distances or waiting at the Thanksgiving sale line, the legs ache? Well, do not wait or walk...



Porch Concierge is a personal phone service that links you with home service providers to make the process of moving,...



Stansport is an outdoor gear company that brings adventure to everyone. It offers quality yet affordable camping gear for the...



Traveling can be cumbersome for those always on the go, so enjoy more with Kampa outdoors, whether camping, hiking with...



Lafuma is an online retailer providing the best, most durable, and weather-friendly clothing and accessories to provide you with the...



If you love camping and exploring nature in its wildest forms, then Slumberjacks is your go-to brand for all your...



Regalo Baby is a kids products manufacturing company from the US that makes baby safety solutions and other items like...

Frequently Asked Questions

Is "Kamp-Rite" a well known "Camping Cots" brand?

Kamp-Rite is listed as the best Camping Cots brand on our website. About 3.6K buyers research about the brand online every month.

How is 'Kamp-Rite' more popular compared to similar companies like GCI Outdoor, KingCamp and Big Agnes?

The Reason is 'Kamp-Rite' is the most seached company among shoppers between all of the mentioned brands. Morever, it is added among more than 5 different categories such as Camping Cots, Camping Chairs and Camping Tables here on our database.

Out of "Kamp-Rite", "ALPS Mountaineering" and "GCI Outdoor" Which one is the most recommended "Camping Cots" brand?

ALPS Mountaineering is the most sought after amidst mentioned brands primarily due to its total web popularity online. The company is also listed on approximately 5 similar brand categories here on our database.

What is the median price for purchasing "Kamp-Rite" brand items?

"Kamp-Rite" is published in "Camping Cots", which has mean pricing of $61, with $10 to $249 price range. Similarly the brand is also featured in "Camping Chairs", that has mean costing of $52, with $8 to $147 price range.

Are Kelsyus and Porch identical to companies like "Kamp-Rite"?

Unquestionably! Kamp-Rite is comparable to Kelsyus and Porch. They are known Camping Cots brands.

What are several alternative companies like "Kamp-Rite"?

Some top similar brands to "Kamp-Rite" are "Browning Camping, TravelChair, Stansport, Porch and Picnic Time in random order.